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As the name suggests, Green Tree Servicing was supposed to service homeowners’ mortgages by collecting and crediting monthly payments. But according to a $63 million settlement announced by the FTC and CFPB, rather than service, Green Tree gave many homeowners the business.

Mortgages are often transferred during the life of a loan, so consumers may find themselves locked in a relationship with a servicer they didn’t select – and with no opportunity to shop around. Green Tree was a big name in servicing loans for manufactured housing, but recently made a major move into the residential market. It billed itself as a “high-touch servicer” – a euphemism for a company that places frequent collection calls in an effort to get people to make timely payments. With that strategy, it’s not surprising that Green Tree acquired the mortgages of a proportionally higher percentage of people already in financial trouble. For many of those cash-strapped consumers, that’s when things went from bad to worse.

According to the lawsuit, when homeowners were even just one day late with their payments, Green Tree’s collectors often unleashed a barrage of phone calls, some starting as early as 5 in the morning or continuing until as late as 11PM. The collectors didn’t limit themselves to home phones, getting some people in trouble by calling them at work. They illegally threatened them with arrest or imprisonment, used obscene language, and mocked the problems that led to their financial distress. (One collector said to a woman, “You should leave your husband if he can’t provide for you.”) Green Tree’s loose-lipped collectors were known to discuss people’s debts with bosses, co-workers, neighbors, and family.

When borrowers sought options like loan modifications or short sales, Green Tree allegedly mishandled many of those requests, leaving consumers in even worse straits. For example, some homeowners were in the process of finalizing loan modifications with other servicers when their mortgages were suddenly transferred to Green Tree. Rather than honoring those arrangements, Green Tree often yanked that lifeline from people struggling to stay afloat. Others were told they’d have to pony up payment before they could even be considered for certain loan modification programs – an illogical (and often illegal) requirement for folks who had already sent out a financial SOS. In addition, the lawsuit charges that when homeowners tried to get a short sale approved, Green Tree said it would respond within a set period – say, 30 days. But Green Tree dragged its feet, sometimes taking as long as six months to respond. As a result, people faced foreclosures that could have been avoided.

According to the complaint, even when managing homeowners’ accounts and payments – the bread and butter of a mortgage servicer – Green Tree often overcharged people. For example, Green Tree knew or had reason to know that some borrowers had received loan modifications from their former servicers, but went ahead and insisted on the original amount. And in numerous cases, Green Tree pressured people to use a method called Speedpay, which the company falsely claimed or implied was the only way to make a payment or the sole choice to avoid a late fee. Using Speedpay cost a $12 “convenience” fee per transaction – but convenient for whom? Not necessarily consumers, many of whom could have used free methods and still avoided late fees.

The lawsuit also alleges Green Tree helped itself to payments from consumers’ bank accounts without their authorization. For example, homeowners who gave Green Tree their account numbers to set up a one-time payment through Speedpay later discovered the company had used the information to arrange for additional payments without their consent.

Green Tree also was aware that specific portfolios it acquired from other servicers contained unreliable data. But when homeowners spoke up to dispute the misinformation, Green Tree left them in collections without adequately investigating discrepancies. In a similar vein, Green Tree reported unfavorable information about homeowners to credit bureaus, even when the company had reason to know the data was inaccurate. 

The $63 million settlement is a start, but what’s being done to protect consumers from underhanded tactics from here on in? Among other things, the order requires Green Tree to implement a home preservation plan to offer options to consumers whose loans were transferred to the company during the time covered by the complaint. In the future, when Green Tree is involved in the sale or transfer of servicing rights, requests for help – like short sales or assistance with loan modification programs – will have to be properly reviewed and agreements honored. What about those long delays? The company has to have people and technology in place to respond quickly to customer inquiries, including questions about options for avoiding foreclosure. Green Tree also has to stop collections of disputed amounts until it investigates and provides consumers with verification of what they owe.

When the company has reason to believe that information in newly transferred loan portfolios is iffy, Green Tree has to get proof of what consumers really owe. In addition, Green Tree will maintain a comprehensive data integrity program to help ensure the accuracy of information about customers’ accounts. The settlement also prohibits material misrepresentations about loans, payments, and fees, and mandates compliance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.

What’s the message for others in the industry?

  • There’s a reason it’s called servicing. Mortgage servicers have an obligation to provide service to homeowners. That rules out misleading statements about what people owe, deceptive delays, and unauthorized withdrawals from their accounts.
  • The loan servicing process depends on accuracy at all stages. Inaccurate servicing practices can throw homeowners into a spin cycle with far-reaching consequences, including errors on their credit reports that can haunt them for years. The Green Tree case underscores that accuracy is essential at every step of the process.
  • Deceptive, unfair and abusive debt collection practices are out of bounds. The law provides procedures for collecting debts, but high-pressure tactics, baseless threats, incessant phone calls, and the disclosure of information to employers, relatives, and friends are on the DON’T list.
  • The FTC and CFPB are united in their commitment to protect consumers in financial distress. It’s no coincidence that the action against Green Tree was brought through the cooperative efforts of the FTC and CFPB. The agencies coordinate their activities to make efficient use of resources. In appropriate cases – for example, the $63 million Green Tree settlement – that may include joint law enforcement.

September 11, 2015
The settlement may have encouraged the company to turn over a new leaf by changing its name but not its harassing homeowners. Last month someone (representing this Financial Mafia) went to my neighbor's homes inquiring about me. The company has called a company I work for 11 times this month (September) and hung up on whomever answers the phone, when they respond that I'm not available. The company owner has expressed their dissatisfaction with it and of course you know what that means!!! By the way the calls and harassment are for September's payment!!! This company or the new diatech - whatever they call themselves now - needs to be stopped!!1 The company is nothing less than a legal Mortgage Mafia/Cartel.
September 11, 2015
After posting my earlier comment, I decided to read more complaints on other sites about this company? I was flabbergasted by the number of complaints documented on various sites. How can this type of behavior be allowed by all of our government regulatory entities? People are losing, can lose, will lose their jobs and businesses as a result of this company's harassing policies and tactics. Greentree "Mafia" Mortgage has to be the company with the absolute highest number of complaints on the internet. The company owner I worked for just told me they got "another" call today from Greentree 4803832290. I hope our government agencies step in and stop this defamation of American citizens. Their actions are just as criminal and vial as those committed by financial institutions during the housing crisis (balloon mortgages, reverse mortgages, etc.) I am tired of the harassment and hope to sell this house just to get away from this abuse and criminal assault.
September 16, 2015

In reply to by treevictim

I just realized another "financial scam" of this company. If late fees apply after the 10th of the month and you make a payment on the 10th of the month using the only pay by phone option GreenTree makes available to you - SPEEDPAY- you are still assessed a late fee and your payment is still considered late. The payment is first received by Speedpay and then it is sent to GreenTree. If speedpay sends the payment on the 11th to GreenTree the payment is late - even though you used GREENTREE's automated system to make the payment.
Now What Do I Do?
September 18, 2015
Citi sold my mortgage to these crooks. Green Tree tried to get me to refinance, which I didn't because of the nightmare stories I read about them. I lost my job, was late on a payment, and sent what money I could to Green Tree. It was not the full monthly amount due so they didn't cash the check. I sent another check for more money. Green Tree returned both checks after a few months and said my house was in foreclosure. They kept sending monthly bills so I pulled money out of my retirement account and sent a check for the full payment due. After several weeks they returned the check with a note saying I had to send certified funds. So I sent a certified check for the amount due with the next monthly statement. Green Tree (now Ditech) cashed the certified check, waited a few weeks, and then sent to me a Ditech check for the full amount of the certified check I originally paid them, along with a note saying my house is in foreclosure. What kind of company refuses full mortgage payments? Do they really want my house, which is not worth what I owe and is in a poor neighborhood? It is a scam to charge late fees, foreclosure fees, and force refinancing into worse interest rates and terms. They will ruin your credit so you are stuck with them.
freedom from abuse
September 29, 2015
This is the greatest day of my life!! Just refinanced away from Greentree. These are the most miserable maggots that walk this earth.
September 30, 2015
I am just in awe on the comments because they ring so true. I wish I would have had a tape recorder on my last episode. I had to file with the Attorney General with no avail due to the fact that there was no proof the collector told me to, "Just give her a payment of $700.00 out of your checking account and that your bank isn't going to do anything to you if the money is not in there." Then she mocked and laughed at me. I told her me knowingly not having any money in my account constitutes fraud. She said, "Your bank isn't gonna do nothin to you." They too would not honor the home loan modification and just kept dragging it out and I almost lost my home. The comments they made to me just made things worse. They do not care and never will and I cannot believe they are allowed to bully people like myself and say, "Well you owe it." I would go from one customer service rep (If that is what you call them) to another with each one trying to get a payday so they could make good on their commission. When they realized I was not going to pay it turned into a threatening conversation and one guy said, "Oh so your not going to pay"? Ok, we will start foreclosure. These CROOKS need to be stopped. It would be one thing if I was a dead beat that never worked and wanted a free ride but a struggling mother of 3 children. They are RELENTLESS, MALICIOUS, CRUEL, RETALIATORY, AND EVIL! I will never forget all of the hurtful things that were said to me and they should be stopped. I cannot believe people are allowed to treat customers that way. I think their investors need to rethink things before one of their employees does the unthinkable and they have a hefty lawsuit on their hands. It is disgusting!
October 02, 2015

In reply to by VeryUpset

I wonder if we have the same rep? Mine called on a Monday. I said I could pay Friday, and she recommended that she could take my information (which I didn't have on me at the time) and set an ACH payment dated for Friday. She called back on Tuesday, right on schedule. I let her know I was recording the call and she instantly became agitated. "Why do you need to record this call?!". I responded "I just want to make sure I have it on record that this transaction will not be initiated until Friday". She said "That is not what I said. You can't do that". Not surprised. I strongly suggest keeping a tape recorder handy any time you have to deal with these people.
October 02, 2015
So happy to see something being done against this company that has no business treating people this way. They called my tenants (a non-public phone number I have no doubt was obtained in an illegal way) in my rental home telling them they were going to lock them out of the house after a payment was 2 weeks late. A clear violation of the law. They've contacted various family members announcing that late payment. They suggested I post date a payment to avoid a payment being past a certain deliquency. When I told them they were being recorded, they said they couldn't do it. Online pay, a free service for the previous 4 owners of my mortgage, became a $12/month scam. Not paying the entire amount due? Can't do it online. Can't do it through their automatic phone system. You are forced to deal with your "representative", who is never available before "48-72" hours. If not flat out illegal in nearly everything they do, this company routinely dips their toes over the line of what is acceptable and what is not. Very few customers voluntarily chose to be with this company. Instead, we're forced into being bullied by this company. Something more extreme needs to be done here.
October 03, 2015
our home was built officially by jim walters out of memohis tn. Whilee signing papers for the home we ended up having to sign 3 different times with three different ways of my husbands names and all had different interest rates. So i dint even know which contract is correst, After moving in we had a used thermostat that did not work and no cabinet facings on the bottom of our cabinets. I comlained and only to get anither thermostat placed in a different manner which left nail/screw holes in the wall. we also had hot water running to our toilet and fans didnt work in our bathrooms nothing ever got fixed. After living in our home for about 5 years all floors have fallen in from hallway to bathroom to kitchen and so forth their comment was that this was the normal wear and tear of a home but I know after 5 years no ones floors should fall in. Would love to know if they even have my contract on file and which one my husband was told to sign his fathers name for one of those contracts and we questioned them but they said to go ahead I need to know what actions i need to take from here
October 06, 2015
Ok so how do we stop this company / abuse? Something needs to be done. Anyone have access to news stations to reveal their actions? Typing here does nothing. We gotta let the world know. I don't think ANY of us signed on for green tree/ditech. Their actions are appalling. I recieved a call today and my payment isn't even due yet. Unbelievable.
excellent cred…
October 10, 2015
y be the last straw. I WILL NOT go away.
jesse livengood
October 12, 2015
they once told me to write a bad check when i was behind to satisfy their balance. It was recorded, A true true story, now they sold it to a more twisted company that just says your new monthly is 50$ more. federal investigation due
Soon to be Homeless
October 17, 2015
Green Tree/Ditech is still corrupt to the core. There needs to be another class action lawsuit, and this company needs to shut down its mortgage business. They will try to force you to refinance. If you don't, they would rather foreclose on your house than accept your mortgage payments. They will ruin your credit score so no one else will give you a loan. Horrible business practices!
Mr. Truthwills…
October 24, 2015
Green known as Ditech is responsible for submitting hundreds, thousands, of fraudulent documents to the courts in order to fraudulently foreclose and steal homes. They are going so far as to forging owners signatures because they need to add fraudulent stamped endorsements that were never obtained when Bank of America took over Countrywide. So, like the dirty rotten criminals they are...they just decided to commit the felony of forgery and fraud upon the courts in order to become even more despicable than they already are.
October 28, 2015
I actually didn't miss or was late on a payment for.15 yrs. When the owners of the land wanted the land back , i was screwed. I asked for 2 years for modification. I was told they don't do that. I didn't want to let the house go , i tried everything to save it, move it, anything. But my home was too old to sell in the manufactured world and i couldn't afford a new acre and the home and the moving of the home. I bent over backwards doing all i could. In the end , didn't miss the last payment, called the next day andbtold them to come get it off the land. The landowners bought it out from under me for 1/4 the cost.Then began years of hassle and trying to put my good credit that i rightfully earned back together.
November 06, 2015
Green Tree has changed their name to Ditech.
November 09, 2015
they wont pay my home insurance from my escrow account there enough money in there and i have sent the bill to them several times over the passed 30 days, WTF... now i have to try to pay it or they are going to drop me this is fraud...
November 12, 2015
I need some advise on things happening to my husband and I with a loan we have with GreenTree/Ditech. An investment property we tried to give back to them "deed in lue of foreclosure" and they would not help us with that, saying they needed to be paid....all after suggesting we do this a few weeks earlier when I spoke to them about not being able to sell it. Is there an ongoing open class action law suit i can become part of? Thank You
November 12, 2015
Greentree should have to compensate homeowners for there unlawful practices. For harassing destraut customers. And causing catastrophic disasters in our lives
November 19, 2015
How do i get in on this law suit? I had one of the collected call me a lose who can't pay her bills! I wasn't even 5 day late!
November 20, 2015
GreenTree collected escrow funds every month but refused to pay out the taxes or insurance. Presumably the goal was to force us to pay again out of pocket for both. The tax authorities came after us for delinquent property taxes because GreenTree failed to pay its escrow obligations, and our homeowners insurance also lapsed. Then, after fraudulently collecting the escrow monies but not paying their obligations, GreenTree has the gall to send a letter saying it was going to purchase forced place insurance because our insurance had lapsed! This company has no fear of anyone or anything. I have never seen anything like it.
November 25, 2015

In reply to by Incredulous

Did the same to us a couple times. Do not buy their offered credit life ins over the phone! They got us with that nonsense then u can't get them to pay when tragedy strikes. They are the biggest dogs in a dog eat dog world! They seem to have the upper hand on all of us.. Where's Erin brokivich ?,, we need help!!
November 23, 2015
What is the point of the FTC and their law suit if GT is still doing what they were accused of doing and paid a fine for? I am currently involved in a legal battle with GT. When I tried to pay my full balance they refused payment by adding imaginary fees that disappear off of subsequent pay off quotes. Why is it that if we behaved this way we would be in jail and yet they seem to be able to commit fraud openly with no penalty? WTF is going on with our justice system when corporate behavior like this is not effectively litigated and corrected?
Stressedout in ga
November 25, 2015
Lost my husband in Oct of 2014. Years after purchasing our dw. My husband was contacted by a gt rep selling additional ins. Coverage. My,husband was told should anything happen to him our home would be paid for. Additional money was paid , added to our acct,each month for over 8 years. My husband had me call when he was diagnosed with cancer to assure him that once he was gone. Our home would be paid off. The rep I spoke with assured me it would be due to the credit life ins that was sold by them. Not the case!! Now Ditech has taken over & constantly calls asking if I have vacated the premises for their repo to happen. I don't want to lose my home when it's So close to being paid off but after sending in countless death certificates, copy of the will, etc,, these people are impossible to,deal with!! They refuse to provide any documents of insurance however I have proof thru our years of billing statements that we paid them insurance. Now that Ditech has bought Gt,it's no different! Hands are tied. I can't even get them to refinance because they say my husband isn't here to sign it over to me! Smh!
November 30, 2015
I have a heart condition that cause Afib when I get stressed. Green Tree now Ditech will call the payment is due trying to convince me that if i don't set up to allow them to debit my account charging me a $12.00 fee that foreclosure procedures will be started. When I have been close to and over 30 days late I have been told on several occasions that I am not allowed to mail payments. What not allowed to use the U.S. post office since when? They have already applied their late fees. But going back to the Afib I have told them several times to have mercy that I feel they are intentionally trying to get me in Afib I get very confused. They call me and tell me I cant't afford my house I need to get out. they a constantly wanting me to do a loan modification will that really help? How many days past due before they can start foreclosure?
Deferred Principal
December 01, 2015
My situation with Green Tree/Ditech. They are charging me "Deferred Principal". The problem is when I received the loan mod there was no mention of this in the terms. I received revised terms several months later adding the "Deferred Principal" in addition to other clauses. Now I'm fighting with them to get it removed as it was not agreed to and I remain optimistic that it will get resolved. Luckily I never signed accepting the new terms as I have 30 years mort experience and knew what the new terms meant to me. My question is what about all the other people that are naïve in regard to this issue? Green Tree practices aggressive policies to obtain signed agreements? I myself was badgered via phone and mail for months to sign. I was told "it's in my best interest to sign it". I said, did you read the new terms, it's not favorable for me it's for Greentree cleaning up their mess. They realized they missed several points and were trying to fix it. The new terms had at least 50% or more changes and additions mostly adding in the "Deferred Principal" and new clauses stating that I would help them correct any errors or omissions in the future. Definitely not part of the original agreement, which why I don't have to help the correct their mistake.
December 02, 2015
The American dream,pay interest for ten years,stop paying when nothing is done to fix the loan,get threatened,gets no compassion and then has to pay their lawyers to throw them out.You know this country needs a complete overhaul.The gov and all its little ways for us to pay for its corrupt existence is retarded.And for those who feel that " you signed the papers"is the norm,well guess what when the wolves are done feeding on us,they will find a way to come after all of you,my guess would be to raise interest rates again and start a whole new wave of dispar.When I think back now the best advice I have for anyone is,if you cannot put a lot of money down or pay for the house outright rent.I have done nothing wrong I put down ten thousand in 2005 when I bought this house paid for nine years with no help!I refuse to continue to throw my money away,we are all brainwashed into believing this is what we are supposed to do,screw them and screw the gov!
Gaylord Gabbard
December 02, 2015
This should be sent to all prior customers. Greentree customers have not been fully aware of this lawsuit. Many of these customers including my account were just transferred to Ditech. Somehow they charged more interest on months even when the balance went down and had only been 30 days since last payment. Yes, needed to make electronic payment sinc they make no effort to send bill on time. Phone calls? Yes! That is not right!
December 02, 2015
Ditch has since merged with Greentree and now my payment has gone up almost $100 a month. I can't get a straight answer but they said it was an escrow shortage which I can't find where this is coming from. Is this part of the problem with Grerntree and did they take more than they should have?
December 07, 2015
We are also a victim of GreenTree. We had gotten a house with Greentree about 4 years ago never did we think that we were going to have any trouble, until we were late by a week they would not stop calling. they would call all hours of the day and night demanding the payment. They are so rude, they tell you that if you can't pay then get out. Sometimes they would tell us to make a payment with Speedpay. Once we even did it with my husbands bank account, they told us one amount and they would charge another. When ever I would call to ask questions about the payment they would start telling me things like the house isn't yours until you pay it off. And by the looks of it you never will. That you cant even make one payment on time. What about next month.We had A problem wit hthe roof where it started leaking and it left a water damage in our dining room, We called our insurance with of course is owed by GreenTree or at least works with them. Which ever they anyways said that there was no problem and left.Some after a week or two we got a check for only $80. So we could fix any damages and paint over the stain. REALLY people. Do you think that with $80 dollar we can fix the problems that we had with our roof. So my husband had to call some local person to come and check the roof for us and sure enough there was a big problem. There was some boards missing and shingles and the nails. Every month there was always someone calling to tells to pay or else. Every agent that would call was extremely rude always had something bad to say. I have keep all of the papers and all of the payments. We had enough that we had to lose our home. We left it 1 year ago. If there is anything that can be done to help us get our home back. Or something please let us know.
December 10, 2015
Ok folks...Ditech is NOT going to work with you on a modification. They are NOT going to stop harrassing you, and they have no issues with illegal foreclosures! Its happening right now as we speak to people who homes are PAID off, let alone if you are 2 wks late time and time again. However, there is a way to fight long as you play the game right. Read this link, and read the comments. It explains how homeowners are FINALLY getting their power back. It does work...but you have to be willing to deal with the paperwork and follow the rules by the is the link and good luck!!!
December 10, 2015
Since being transferred to ditech, servicing my loan has been a nightmare! Took several faxes and dozens of calls to get my wrongly placed lender's insurance and escrow refunded. Can't sign up for autopay online. Can't get a payoff statement online. Received a late payment notice prior to even receiving my first bill. Transferred money form my bank with a delivery date of the 7th and on the 10th it still hasn't posted. They claim they haven't received it. It is unfortunate that the consumer has not recourse when their servicing company is poorly run and borderline thieves.
December 11, 2015
Now Ditech same approach as Greentree they actually are connected to Fannie Mae which how I bought my house.Ditech/Greentree for years has tried to take my house..lis pendens has been released but not after submitting in a timely manner all re-modification paperwork twice we denied modification why? Ditech said we didn't get the paper work in time...and that Saturday started getting collection calls from them again...Yea it took Clear Point rep (HUD) conference call to clear that up. Today spoke to my "appointed" rep asking what are the $55 fees for fees...Oh thank you for letting me know ...Now Nov pymt is late cause I didn't include the ghost fees of $55 news to me and thank you Ditech scum of the earth for informing me of those charges because since July 2015 new loan in place and nothing said about that until months later just shows up ....OMG this is the worst company I have ever dealt with in my entire life and I am in my 60's and they drive me nuts.
December 12, 2015
my mortgage with Green Tree as the servicer got foreclosed on in Jan. at sheriff sale then I got a satisfaction of mortgage in April from Green Tree Servicing LLC before the redemption time was up. Then in Oct. I received from Ditech Financial LLC that my terms of my Account Modification Agreement my interest rate is to change and my payments start on 10/01/2016 also received the same notice for my ex wife that had nothing to do with my mortgage loan I took it out to pay her off in the divorce. then on Nov. 29th I was served with NOTICE TO QUIT LEAVE AND VACATE then with a COMPLAINT FOR FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER from FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION then I went to court today 9th of Dec. plaintiff appeared by phone I did not have a lawyer and I had all the paperwork and a witness but I lost in court. I have been protesting the foreclosure way before it went to sheriff sale because of misused escrow funds and harsh collection tactics missing payments over paid insurance modifications not recorded broken chain of title and fraudulent foreclosing methods. my mortgage was assigned to MERS when I took it out in 2006 then assigned Green Tree Servicing LLC in 2011 as recorded to the county clerk but I made payments to Suntrust Mortgage then Littion loan Servicing that were not recorded also my satisfaction of mortgage is signed by someone that works for Green Tree Servicing LLC by as assistant secretary for MERS the same on assignment of mortgage to Green Tree Servicing. I'm still in my house but if I can't get it stopped FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER will be in three business days is there anything you can help me with?
December 19, 2015
Ditech the new buyer for green tree is no better ! They've sit on my escrow overage of 2300.00 for 2 mos , and say they've sent it , now here 5 days before Christmas , I'm screwed for my grandkids mas , they are a rip off !
lena clayton
January 08, 2016
maybe the ftc and cfpb should go back and check them out again cause nothing has changed
Dagmar Vaughan
January 19, 2016
Nothing changed. I wasn't notified of this settlement. I was forced into a foreclosure and had to file bankruptcy because Greem Tree and its agent Clear Recon knowingly filed false and fictitious documents alleging my account was in arrears of 32,000.00. I am currently still in bankruptcy disputing what Green Tree alleges my account to be in arrears. Not once has Green Tree verified the alleged debt and Clear Recon a collection agency inn the state of california even requested such verification but continued to file false documents after canceled checks were faxed and mailed to prove that Green Tree was lying.
January 19, 2016
I been paying greentree for 18 years, if that payment isnt there by the due date they will blow your phone up, really like I been paying yall for all these years do you really think im not going to pay this month....How do I get in on this class action law suit??? i think they owe me some late fees because they was telling me I didnt have no grace period and after the due date the late fee was applie....I have 10 day grace period before my payment is late....
January 25, 2016
We have purchased a home in 1997 through Green Tree equaling at about $35,000 total. Over the years we have kept up with the monthly payments of $560 with no problem from Green Tree. Even the times we were late on the mortgage there wasn't a big issue until many, many years later. 2014 came alone and our family started to get harassed with court letters, articles in the local newspaper, messages that they're filing for repossession on our home. At the time we were 3 months behind in payment according to Green Tree and they weren't making it any easier on us. They told us either pay them $20,000 which was the interest fee that came with the original price of the home or pay the minimum $1700. We did not have all the money upfront so Green Tree came onto our property and took our double wide home that we've had well over 15 years. I hate that this has happened, it is now 2016 and we're still homeless living with family until we can come up with another large lump some of money to get another home. It is unfortunate that this has happened, the home we did have was what we know as home and now it's gone. If there is a way everyone can get that they put into this company that would be nothing but a blessing to us and a lesson to those crooked idiots!!!
January 25, 2016
I've been on and off with GT since 2000. The trailers nothing fancy very plain. I was harassed and reported it to the BBB. I recently found out after over $60,000.00 they said I only paid $5,096.02 to my mortgage. I'm in on the lawsuit.
January 29, 2016
How do you get in on the law suit. They are still in business its not GT anymore but now DITECH and still doing business the same way when trying to do a MOD.
Bridget Simms
February 01, 2016
I lost my home due to this [delete] company I was just thrown out of my house and nobody give [delete]. The govt. Is worthless no help all I do is get the run around had this mortgage for 20 years I get nothing but lies threats. Govt.has created the system to work against you. The advantage goes to the banks that supplies $$ to corupt. Poititans. Greentree should be shut down!!!!!
January 30, 2016
I inherited my mothers condo 10 yrs ago and there is a $42,000 mortgage that we had to assume 0n a $130,000 property. Last September, our tenant moved out and we were late with our September and October payments. We paid up to date the 1st of November. Ditech who had recently acquired this mortgage, assessed without written notice or waning $3000 in due tax escrow payment due to our mortgage amount. Our property taxes are paid in full to date as well as insurance. I have been given the run around and don't know what to do at this point. We never had to this ever on this loan or our main mortgage .I gave them the document they required from the city treasurer showing the taxes are paid to date but they still are ignoring us and they are totally rude like a bill collector when dealing with them on the phone. I've never had this experience before with a mortgage company.
February 03, 2016
The we were late as well and they told my husband at the time, that if he was late " then he did not deserve to be in the house and o sleep in his car".
February 09, 2016
Purch. In 1983, paid off in 1996. Green Tree said I owed add. $1500. In fees. I disputed. They repo. The home later that year and sold it. I requested amount sold, they refused. I found out years later in 2000 they contacted my father who co-signed note, threatened legal action, so he paid them $1500. Yesterday I rec. a 1099-C claiming they discharged over $5000. In debt that I owed in 2015. I called and they can provide no documentation, they have no record of my account. The person said " Oh, you must have owed us money from a long time ago." We don't have records from that far back. They refused to correct the 1099-C error, even though by their admission they have no records of my account. Green Tree, now doing business as DITCH is a criminal enterprise.
February 10, 2016
The information is very helpful. The question I have is: "Who is stopping the outside debt collectors buys these accounts and trying to collect a debt, when the debt is over 10 to 20 years old and does not appear on our 3 credit reports??? What is our responsibility and yours in this issue????? I understand they can access our credit accounts through the three credit reporting agencies, without our permission, becasue the account they purchased has our social security number attached. What is our responsibility and what is your assistance in this matter???? We need help in this area, many of us are receiving calls and they are not acceptable or we do not answer the phone. I do not answer the call, I let it ring until it stop. Thanks for any assistance your office can give.
Davin Higginbotham
February 11, 2016
I was forced out of house because of GT. Even the day before the court sale, they said that they would give me $5,000.00 for moving expenses, if I did not contest the sale. When I followed up with them after the sale, they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. They asked if I had anything in writing, but people know that they do not accept anything via Fax or email. They hit my family at our lowest point. I need a lawyer to help me with this, because I don't know what to do.
Also taken by …
February 17, 2016
When Green Tree took over our loan servicing, my husband called wondering how they ended up with the loan and to find out whether we could get a lower interest rate with them. Green Tree told us that if we paid our loan payment on time for 3 years, they would lower the interest after the 3 years if we called back at that time. We paid our loan payment on time for well over 3 years and when my husband called to get the interest lowered, the person he spoke to told him that the only way they lower our interest or payments is if we were going to stop making payments all together and then they would negotiate an adjusted interest rate so we would not file for bankruptcy. My husband said 'We cannot do that because it would ruin our credit wouldn't it". The guy responded of course it would, but that would be the only way we would lower the interest rate for you. The whole mortgage servicing industry is nothing but a scam, this is the 3rd or 4th time a mortgage servicing company has transferred our loan to another company and it always happens the same way. We are told if we make our payments on time we can get a lower interest rate after 3 years. Then when the 3 years are up (and we have proof that our payments were on time because we have auto withdrawal set up with our credit union) the mortgage services company either get sarcastic & rude or they transfer the account to another company. Its absolutely horrible!!!

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