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Business Blog

Protecting your business in the wake of a natural disaster

If your company is facing the fall-out from Hurricane Ida, flooding in Tennessee, western wildfires, or any other natural disaster, your employees are looking for help in the recovery process – and...
Business Blog

Get ready for PrivacyCon on July 27th

Set a reminder now for Tuesday, July 27, 2021, to make sure you’re up on the latest research about privacy and data security. That’s the date of the FTC’s sixth annual PrivacyCon and you’re invited to...
Business Blog

Back to business #4: Back-to-work basics for job seekers

We’ll leave it to the economists to crunch the employment numbers. We’re just happy to see more Help Wanted signs in the windows of Main Street retailers. That’s good news for Americans affected by...
Business Blog

Blessings in No Time: A blessing – or a pyramid scheme?

Call it a “blessing.” Call it a “loom.” In a case just filed in federal court , the FTC and the State of Arkansas use another phrase to describe what the operators of the Blessings in No Time...
Business Blog

Back to business #3: Looking for small business financing?

It’s exciting to see so many “open” signs appearing in store windows across the country. But some companies making the transition to an in-person workplace may find themselves in a short-term cash...
Business Blog

Back to business #1: Where’s your data?

As many companies shift to an in-person workplace, you and your employees face the opportunities and challenges of the new new normal. Today is the first in a five-part Back to Business blog series to...
Business Blog

Helping you answer consumers’ privacy questions

Even for people who work on the most arcane frontiers of technology, there is a line of questioning that leaves them scratching their heads wondering where to begin. It’s when a colleague, friend, or...
Business Blog

FTC and FDA warn marketers about fertility-related products

People facing infertility have a lot to think about in exploring the options available to them. But one thing that shouldn’t be on that list are unapproved products that make questionable claims to...