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Business Blog

Hey, Alexa! What are you doing with my data?

What you say in your home, what you do in your home. It doesn’t get more private than that. But, according to two recent FTC complaints, Amazon and Ring used this highly private data – voice...
Business Blog

Live from your laptop, it’s PrivacyCon

PrivacyCon 2022 – the FTC’s annual gathering of the tech experts – convenes this morning, Tuesday, November 1st, at 9:00 ET, and you can watch the webcast live . Chair Kahn will convene the...
Business Blog

Amplifying the impact of your research

To paraphrase that famous question of acoustics and philosophy, if research falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it still make a sound? The FTC needs to hear from you by Friday, July 29, 2022...