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Technology Blog

Ethics FAQs for FTC technologists

The Federal Trade Commission is aggressively hiring Technologists to help drive the agency’s work, ensure a vibrant technology marketplace, conduct investigations, and hold companies and people who...
Technology Blog

It’s time for a FTC Blockchain Working Group

Today, the FTC announced a lawsuit against four individuals alleging that they have promoted one or more fraudulent “chain referral schemes.” Such schemes are not new – in fact, the FTC has brought...
Technology Blog

How the FTC keeps up on technology

Because the FTC’s consumer protection and competition missions cut across so many technology industries, some call it the “Federal Technology Commission.” With only a few exceptions, the FTC protects...
Technology Blog

Time to rethink mandatory password changes

Data security is a process that evolves over time as new threats emerge and new countermeasures are developed. The FTC’s longstanding advice to companies has been to conduct risk assessments, taking...
Technology Blog

Privacy trade-offs in retail tracking

Figure 1 Identifying customers that visit multiple retail locations for the same store(Source: Fast Company, “ Here’s What Brick-And-Mortar Stores See When They Track You”) Last week, the FTC...
Technology Blog

Does Hashing Make Data “Anonymous”?

One of the most misunderstood topics in privacy is what it means to provide “anonymous” access to data. One often hears references to “hashing” as a way of rendering data anonymous. As it turns out...