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Endo International plc, In the Matter of

Pharmaceutical companies Endo International plc and Par Pharmaceuticals, Inc. agreed to divest all of Endo’s rights and assets to generic glycopyrrolate tablets and generic methimazole tablets in order to settle FTC charges that Endo’s proposed $8 billion acquisition of Par would likely be anticompetitive. New Jersey-based generic drug marketer Rising Pharmaceuticals will acquire the divested assets. Under the settlement, Endo must supply Rising with the divested products for two years, while it transfers the manufacturing technology to Rising’s chosen third-party manufacturer. Endo also must provide technical assistance, training, and other transitional services to help Rising establish manufacturing capabilities. Without the divestitures required by the proposed order, the FTC alleges that the acquisition would combine the two most significant suppliers in the market for generic glycopyrrolate tablets, which are used with other drugs to treat certain types of ulcers, and two of only four active suppliers in the market for generic methimazole tablets, which are used to treat the body’s production of excess thyroid hormone.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
151 0137
Docket Number

In re Effexor XR Antitrust Litigation

Citation Number
15-1184, 15-1185, 15-1186, 15-1187, 15-1274, 15-1323, 15-1342
Federal Court
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Brief of the Federal Trade Commission urging the Third Circuit to reject the district court’s holding that an alleged reverse-payment settlement agreement between a brand-name drug company and a...

Wright Medical Group, Inc./Tornier N.V., In the Matter of

Wright Medical Group, Inc. and Tornier N.V. agreed to sell Tornier’s U.S. rights and assets related to its total ankle replacements and total silastic toe joint replacements to resolve FTC charges that the proposed $3.3 billion merger would illegally reduce competition for these devices. According to the complaint, the merger would likely substantially lessening competition in the U.S. markets for total ankle replacements and total silastic toe joint replacements. Under the settlement, Wright and Tornier will divest the rights and assets to these devices to Integra Lifesciences Corporation and provide Integra with intellectual property, manufacturing technology, and existing inventory, as well as other assets and assistance to ensure that Integra can effectively compete in the markets. The order also requires Wright and Tornier to supply Integra with total ankle replacements for up to three years and total silastic toe joint replacements for up to a year, while Integra transitions to become an independent competitor in these markets.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
151 0018

National Association of Animal Breeders, Inc., In the Matter of

The National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) agreed to remove provisions in its Code of Ethics that the FTC charged limit competition among its members. The consent order settling the FTC’s allegations requires NAAB to end certain advertising restrictions, remove references to the restrictions from its website and official documents, publish and distribute an announcement regarding the consent agreement and the resulting changes to the Code of Ethics, and implement an antitrust compliance program.

Type of Action
Last Updated
FTC Matter/File Number
141 0215

Woodman’s Food Market, Inc., Plaintiff-Appellee v. The Clorox Co. and The Clorox Sales Co., Defendants-Appellants

Citation Number
Federal Court
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
Brief of the Federal Trade Commission urging the Seventh Circuit to reverse the district court’s holding that the mere sale of large-sized packages to one merchant but not another could violate...