Selected Publications
- "Naked Exclusion, Efficient Breach and Downstream Competition," with Abraham Wickelgren, American Economic Review, 2007.
- "Bundled Discounts, Leverage Theory, and Downstream Competition," with Abraham Wickelgren, American Law and Economics Review, 2007.
- "Do Gasoline Mergers Affect Consumer's Prices?" with Christopher Taylor, The Marathon-Ashland and UDS Transaction Journal of Law and Economics, 2008.
- "Difference in Differences in Antitrust: A Cautionary Note," with David Schmidt, Antitrust Law Journal, 2008.
- "Loyalty Discounts and Theories of Harm in the Intel Investigations," with Patrick DeGraba, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 2014.
PhD, Economics
MA, Economics
Lehigh University
BA, Economics
Fields of Interest
- Industrial Organization
- Antitrust