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In the Matter of Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. and Insight Pharmaceuticals Corporation
FTC Matter/File Number
141 0159
Enforcement Type
Part 2 Consents

Case Summary

Pharmaceutical company Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc., the maker of Dramamine, agreed to divest assets and marketing rights for the over-the-counter motion sickness drug Bonine to settle FTC charges that Prestige’s proposed acquisition of Insight Pharmaceuticals Corporation would likely be anticompetitive. Prestige proposed to acquire Insight for $750 million. According to the FTC’s complaint, Prestige’s Dramamine, which is the best-selling branded product in the market for over-the-counter motion-sickness drugs, and Insight’s Bonine, are the only two branded products with significant sales. Absent a remedy, the acquisition would eliminate the close competition between Dramamine and Bonine, likely leading to higher prices for consumers.