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Business Blog

Shifty shades of gray

Lesley Fair
Everyone harbors a dark secret – a forbidden mystery concealed behind closed doors. Three cases just filed by the FTC pull back the curtain on one of those taboos: The efforts people make to hide the
Competition Matters

Direct-to-consumer auto sales: It’s not just about Tesla

Marina Lao, Debbie Feinstein, and Francine Lafontaine
A fundamental principle of competition is that consumers – not regulation – should determine what they buy and how they buy it. Consumers may benefit from the ability to buy cars directly from
Business Blog

Double spammy

Lesley Fair
By now, it shouldn’t be news. Using illegal spam and bogus news sites to convey false claims for diet products is bound to attract FTC attention. Oh, and did we mention the phony representation that
Technology Blog

Privacy trade-offs in retail tracking

Ashkan Soltani, Chief Technologist
Figure 1 Identifying customers that visit multiple retail locations for the same store (Source: Fast Company, “ Here’s What Brick-And-Mortar Stores See When They Track You ”) Last week, the FTC
Business Blog

Affiliation explication

Lesley Fair
If you’re active in affiliate marketing, a summary judgment ruling by a United States District Court offers additional support for the conclusion that “Who, me?” isn’t likely to be a persuasive
Business Blog

Hide and sneak

Lesley Fair
When playing hide and seek as a child, remember those kids who always seemed to find that hidden crawl space or cranny? Whatever happened to them? Let’s hope they didn’t grow up to go into advertising
Competition Matters

Power shopping for an alternative buyer

Debbie Feinstein and Alexis Gilman, Bureau of Competition
In recent investigations of hospital mergers, the merging parties often make the argument that the acquired firm is flailing, if not outright failing. Thus, the argument goes, the transaction is
Business Blog

Operation Ruse Control: 6 tips if cars are up your alley

Lesley Fair
When it comes to car advertising, truth should be standard equipment. That’s the message of Operation Ruse Control, a coast-to-coast and cross-border sweep by the FTC and state, federal, and
Business Blog

FTC to BMW: Don’t MINImize Mag-Moss warranty compliance

Lesley Fair
If your company offers warranties, a proposed FTC settlement with BMW of North America’s MINI Division suggests that a compliance check-up could be warranted. Section 2302(c) of the Magnuson-Moss
Competition Matters

A few words about Section 5

Debbie Feinstein*, Bureau of Competition
Recently, I appeared on a panel that discussed the Commission’s recent Section 5 cases. While my colleague, BCP Director Jessica Rich, addressed the use of Section 5 to combat modern-day fraud
Business Blog

When BOGO is a no-go

Lesley Fair
If you watch as much TV as we do, you may have been tempted to reach for the phone to order the Snuggie, that blanket with sleeves for couch potatoes; Forever Comfy, the answer to rump-sprung chairs
Competition Matters

Separating fact from opinion

Rebecca Egeland and Dan Butrymowicz, Bureau of Competition
Although FTC staff often rely on voluntary requests for information in the early stages of an investigation, the use of official subpoena and civil investigative demands authorized by the Commission
Business Blog

The Shipping News and Reviews

Victor DeFrancis, Attorney, Division of Advertising Practices
Consumers often first go to online review sites when they are thinking about buying a product or hiring a service provider. As a result, most businesses are concerned about managing their online
Competition Matters

FTC Milestone: A New Age Dawns for the FTC’s Competition Work

Kelly Signs, Bureau of Competition
As anyone of a certain age can attest, the 1970’s were all about change. Hairstyles and hemlines were obvious signs, but in the world of antitrust, change came in the form of applying competition