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Announced Action(s) for July 18, 2000

Commission action regarding applications for approval: The FTC has approved an application from the following: Exxon Mobil Corp . The application concerns Exxon Mobil's request to divest Mobil Pipe...

Announced Action(s) for July 14, 2000

Application for approval of proposed divestiture: The FTC has received an application for divestiture from the following: Dominion Resources, Inc. and Consolidated Natural Gas Company (CNG) . Pursuant...

FTC Testifies on Identity Theft

The Federal Trade Commission today said that it continues to expand it efforts to stem the growing tide of identity theft. It has established a toll-free consumer hotline (1-877-ID-THEFT), to provide...

Online Pharmacies Settle FTC Charges

Operators of a group of Online pharmacies that promoted themselves touting medical and pharmaceutical facilities they didn't actually have and making privacy and confidentiality assurances they didn't...