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December 14, 2001

December 13, 2001

December 12, 2001

FTC Staff Issues Financial Privacy Guidance

Staff of the Federal Trade Commission today issued guidance to help financial institutions under its jurisdiction comply with the agency's consumer privacy regulations. The Commission's regulations...

December 11, 2001

Announced Actions for December 11, 2001

Just in time for the peak 2001 holiday shopping season, the FTC has revised and reissued its business education publication: " In the Loupe: Advertising Diamonds, Gemstones and Pearls ." Designed...

December 10, 2001

Pet Express Settles FTC Charges

A business that marketed pet food on the Internet has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it violated the FTC's Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule and the FTC Act by failing...

December 7, 2001