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Complaints by County

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Map of Utah counties indicating relative number of complaints from low to high. See attached CSV file for complaint data by jurisdiction.



Complaints by Topic*

Graph of Do Not Call complaints by topic in the current fiscal year. The topic with the most complaints was reducing debt with 9,678 complaints, followed by medical and prescriptions with 4,755 complaints and imposters with 4,337 complaints. Note: not everyone who files a complaint reports a topic.



State Totals

Complaints:54,865(#20 nationally, per 100K population)
Active Registrations:1,998,389(#44 nationally, per 100K population)



Complaints by Fiscal Year

Graph of Do Not Call complaints recorded in Utah from fiscal year 2014 to fiscal year 2018. In 2014 there were 22,737 complaints filed, which increased each year peaking at 66,227 in 2017. In 2018 there were 54,865 complaints filed, fewer than 2017.



Active Registrations by Fiscal Year

Graph of active Do Not Call registrations in Utah each fiscal year from 2014 to 2018. In 2014 there were 1.8 million numbers registered, which increased each year. In 2018 there were 1.9 million numbers registered.



Complaints by Call Type

Pie chart of Do Not Call complaints by Call Type in the current fiscal year. The largest portion was robocall at 36,930, followed by live caller at 17,511, and call type not reported at 424.