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Announced Actions for April 22, 2005

Commission authorization of the staff to file amended complaint: The Commission has authorized the staff to file an amended complaint in the case currently pending against CHK Trading Corp., et al....

Announced Actions for April 19, 2005

Commission approval of petition to reopen and modify final order: The Commission has approved a petition from Aventis S.A. (Aventis), the successor company to Hoechst AG and Rhone-Poulenc S.A. (RP)...

Preferred Health Services, Inc., In the Matter of

The order prohibits Preferred Health Services from orchestrating collective agreements and other terms for physician services when negotiating with health insurance plans and other third party payers. According to the complaint these agreements among the physician-hospital organization of doctors and the Oconee Memorial Hospital in northwestern South Carolina to collectively negotiate fees and terms of services could lead to higher health care costs and limited physician access.

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Hoechst AG and Rhone-Poulenc S.A., to be renamed Aventis S.A

A final order settled charges stemming from Hoechst's merger with Rhone-Poulenc S.A. According to the complaint, the merger (the merged firm would be renamed Aventis S.A.) raised antitrust concerns in the market for cellulose acetate and direct thrombin acetate. The order requires the divestiture of the 'subsidiary, Rhodia, a specialty chemicals firm that produces cellulose acetate.

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Announced Action for April 7, 2005

Commission response to Food and Drug Administration citizen petition: The Commission has authorized the submission of a response to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding a citizen...

Enterprise Products Partners L.P., and Dan L. Duncan, In the Matter of

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. settled charges that its $13 billion merger with GulfTerra Energy/Partners L.P. would eliminate competition in two markets: the pipeline transportation of natural gas from the West Central Deepwater region of the Gulf of Mexico; and propane storage and terminaling services in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The consent order requires the divestiture of an interest in a pipeline transportation system and an interest in a propane facility that serves the Dixie Pipeline.
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California Pacific Medical Group, Inc., In the Matter of

With an administrative complaint issued on July 8, 2003 the Commission charged a San Francisco, California physicians’ organization with engaging in an agreement under which its competing members agreed collectively on the price and other terms on which they would enter into contracts with health plans or other third party payers. The complaint also alleged that Brown and Toland directed its physicians to end their preexisting contracts with payers and required its physician members to charge specified prices in all Preferred Provider Organization contracts. A final consent order prohibits Brown and Toland from negotiating with payers on behalf of physicians, refusing to deal with payers, and setting terms for physicians to deal with payers, unless the physicians are clinically or financially integrated.

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Town Meetings on Patent System Reform

The FTC, the National Academies' Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP), and the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) co-sponsored a nationwide series of Town...