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Technology Blog

Approaches to Address AI-enabled Voice Cloning

FTC’s Office of Technology
Today, the FTC announced four winners of the Voice Cloning Challenge, which was launched to address the present and emerging harms of artificial intelligence, or “AI”-enabled voice cloning
Data Spotlight

Impersonation scams: not what they used to be

Scams that impersonate well-known businesses and government agencies are consistently among the top frauds reported to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network. [1] In 2023, data from the FTC alone show
Technology Blog

Semiconductor Chips & Cloud Computing: A Quote Book

Staff in the Office of Technology
The FTC’s Tech Summit on AI [1] highlighted three panels that reflect different layers of the AI tech stack – hardware and infrastructure, data and models, and front-end user applications. Today, we
Business Blog

Ready, Set, PrivacyCon

Lesley Fair
Where can you hear technology researchers discuss what’s new and what’s next in talked-about tech topics like AI, deepfakes, and health privacy? At the FTC’s eighth annual PrivacyCon. It starts this
Business Blog

Price fixing by algorithm is still price fixing

Hannah Garden-Monheit and Ken Merber
Landlords and property managers can’t collude on rental pricing. Using new technology to do it doesn’t change that antitrust fundamental. Regardless of the industry you’re in, if your business uses an
Business Blog

Tolling Agreements: A Win-Win for Parties and the Public

Samuel Levine
The Bureau of Consumer Protection welcomes an open dialogue with parties cooperating with its investigations. Such dialogue allows the Bureau to make more informed decisions on whether to recommend an