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Federal Trade Commission Chairman Robert Pitofsky has announced the formation of a special task force to review agency rules and policies governing litigation in administrative cases. The task force is to be chaired by Stephen Calkins, FTC General Counsel, and is requesting comments from the public, including members of the private bar.

"I believe that a review of our Rules of Practice for Adjudication Proceedings should be a priority at the FTC," Pitofsky said. "The task force will evaluate current rules in Part 3 of the Rules of Practice, and related rules in other Parts, and consider changes that will make the process more efficient and effective."

According to Calkins, "It is my goal, and that of Chairman Pitofsky and the Commission, to have the Task Force on Part 3 Adjudication explore options that would minimize delay, increase clarity, and streamline procedures. As part of that process," Calkins said, "we are eager to hear from interested members of the bar, the business community and the public."

Comments and suggestions should be submitted to the FTC within the next 60 days. Written comments should be sent to the FTC, Office of the Secretary, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. Comments also may be submitted via E-mail on the Internet at

The formation of the internal task force is the latest step taken by the FTC to improve the efficiency of its internal operations. In April 1994, the Commission approved new deadlines and related procedures for reviewing and acting on recommendations by FTC staff to take law-enforcement and other actions. The new rules have cut in half the amount of time required for the Commission to act on staff recommendations.

Copies of the FTC Rules of Practice are available from the FTC's Public Reference Branch, Room 130, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.