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Business Blog

"I always feel like somebody's watching me"

Lesley Fair
Paranoid delusion from 80s R&B artist Rockwell? Not necessarily, if he had used a computer from a rent-to-own store. Because according to lawsuits filed by the FTC, many stores — including franchisees
Business Blog

Robocall me never

Lesley Fair
"Hey, I've never met you. So don't get clever . T hat's my number. Robocall me never." When consumers are struggling with their finances, is there anything worse than getting solicitations from debt
Business Blog

Good night. Sleep tight. Be sure to get your ad claims right.

Lesley Fair
No one is going to amend the nursery rhyme, but if you market products aimed at fighting bed bugs or head lice and are itching to keep your promotions in line with the law, two FTC lawsuits merit your
Business Blog

Life in the (Medi)fast lane

Lesley Fair
If you use consumer testimonials in your ads or have clients who do, check out the FTC’s settlement with Jason Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of the diet company, Medifast, Inc. But to really explore
Business Blog

Make your claims crystal clear

Lesley Fair
Earlier this year, the FTC settled five law enforcement actions against companies making allegedly deceptive energy savings claims for their replacement windows. Now the FTC has sent letters to 14
Business Blog

The Ab Circle Pro case: A gut check for marketers

Lesley Fair
The FTC’s multimillion dollar settlement involving the Ab Circle Pro exercise device is great news for consumers. But what does it say to businesses? Inc.-orporate compliance. Yes, there are good
Business Blog

Phenomenal abdominals? Not so fast, Ab Circle Pro.

Lesley Fair
If you haven’t heard of the Ab Circle Pro, you need to spend more time in your recliner. Between the infomercial blitz, the online presence, and a retail campaign that promoted the product with a
Business Blog

Milking cookies: The FTC's $22.5 million settlement with Google

Lesley Fair
There’s been a lot of talk about breaking records these past few weeks. But here’s one you won’t see on the sports pages: the FTC’s $22.5 million settlement with Google, the largest civil penalty ever
Business Blog

Where HireRight Solutions went wrong

Lesley Fair
Most job seekers are familiar with the basics: Wear a clean shirt, extend a firm handshake, and don’t ask about vacations in the first 10 minutes of the interview. But these days more businesses are
Business Blog

In praise of Toby Flenderson

Kate Resnevic and Lesley Fair
HR could use better PR. Say "human resources" and some people think of Dunder Mifflin’s joy-deficient Toby Flenderson from "The Office." But you know better and appreciate the job your HR team does to
Business Blog

Court finds litany of violations in alcoholism "cure" case

Lesley Fair
People who signed up with the Jacksonville-based Alcoholism Cure Corporation were promised a “scientifically proven” program that “cures alcoholism while allowing alcoholics to drink socially.” What
Business Blog

Fineprint footnotes: Kryptonite for advertisers?

Lesley Fair
Remember the character from the Superman comic books who was the exact opposite of the Man of Steel? He said no when he meant yes, his alter ego went by the name "Kent Clark," and was part of the In
Business Blog

Check that check

Colleen Tressler & Karen Hobbs
At the BCP Business Center, we offer tips on how to stay on the right side of the law. But we also do our best to spread the word about the latest frauds targeting businesses — and this one’s a piece
Business Blog

Speaking of Spokeo: Part 3

Lesley Fair
The terms of the FTC’s Spokeo settlement apply just to Spokeo, but that case and other recent law enforcement actions offer insights for a much broader audience. Consumer reporting agencies. Sure
Business Blog

Speaking of Spokeo: Part 1

Lesley Fair
Like chicken and waffles or ham and pineapple on pizza, some combos don’t sound like they’d go together, but make sense once you find out more. Put the FTC’s settlement with Spokeo on that list
Business Blog

Collection deception

Lesley Fair
On classic episodes of the Tonight Show, affable sidekick Ed McMahon sought guidance from Johnny Carson's all-knowing Carnac character. But as demonstrated by a recent FTC law enforcement action —