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Fiberglass Curtain Rule

The Federal Trade Commission has tentatively proposed to repeal a rule requiring warnings about handling fiberglass curtains and draperies because the products are no longer in general use. The FTC is...

Felson Builders, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with Felson Builders, Inc., Diamond Crossing Associates, L.P., Elmhurst Partners, L.P., and Joseph Felson, settling charges...

Quick-Freeze Spray Rule

The Federal Trade Commission has proposed to repeal a rule requiring safety warnings on quick freeze aerosol spray products used for frosting cocktail glasses because the principal ingredient has been...

Binocular Rule

The Federal Trade Commission has tentatively proposed to repeal a rule requiring disclosures in advertising and on packaging for certain binoculars that are not fully prismatic. The FTC, as part of...

Service Corporation International

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with Service Corporation International (SCI). The consent agreement settles charges that SCI's acquisition of Uniservice...

Olin Corporation

Olin Corporation has requested Federal Trade Commission approval to divest its 50 percent interest in Chlor-Chem Ltd., a joint venture located in the United Kingdom, to Schering Agrochemicals Holdings...

Scotts Company

The Scotts Company has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that its $200 million acquisition of Stern's Miracle-Gro Products, Inc. would substantially lessen competition and increase...

The Penn Traffic Company

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with The Penn Traffic Company, settling charges that its plan to acquire 45 grocery stores in Pennsylvania and New York...

Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company has agreed not to acquire any rights to the Dr Pepper brand in the United States without first obtaining Federal Trade Commission antitrust clearance. Coca- Cola also will notify...

Duram Rubber Products

The marketers of the Duram Emergency Escape Mask have agreed to notify prior purchasers that the mask does not filter out carbon monoxide, a lethal gas associated with fires, and also to disclose that...

Trans Continental Affiliates

The Federal Trade Commission has leveled charges against Trans Continental Affiliates (TCA), a California debt-collection agency, and two of its principals, for using abusive and deceptive practices...

Robbins Research International, Inc.

Motivational speaker Anthony J. Robbins and his company, Robbins Research International, Inc., have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they misrepresented the potential earnings of...

FTC Launches World Wide Web Site

Federal Trade Commission brochures offering advice and tips for consumers, news releases announcing law-enforcement and other official Commission actions, background information on the agency and its...

Lorrilard Tobacco Company

Lorillard Tobacco Company (formerly P. Lorillard Co.) has petitioned the Federal Trade Commission to reopen and set aside a 1958 order requiring Lorillard to offer compensation for promo- tional...

Credit Practices Rule

The Federal Trade Commission has determined that its Credit Practices Rule continues to serve a useful function and, there- fore, will retain the rule in its present form. The Commission's decision...

Lockheed Corporation

The Federal Trade Commission has given final approval to a consent agreement with Lockheed Corporation, Martin Marietta Corporation and Lockheed Martin Corporation. The consent agreement settles...

Eskimo Pie Corporation

The Eskimo Pie Corporation has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it made false and misleading claims in advertising that its "Sugar Freedom" line of frozen dessert products is low...