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Business Blog

FTC says credit repair business doubled as a pyramid scheme

For the second time this month, the FTC has sued a credit repair operation that it says combined fake promises to swiftly and substantially boost people’s credit scores with the offer of a bogus money...
Business Blog

Lions Not Sheep lambasted for deceptive Made in USA claims

“BEST DAMN AMERICAN MADE GEAR ON THE PLANET” So roared a Utah-based company called Lions Not Sheep in promoting its apparel and accessories online. But according to an FTC complaint, the company was...
Business Blog

Cremation companies exploit grieving consumers, alleges FTC

Even the savviest consumers can be at their most vulnerable when making final arrangements for a loved one. They have to make quick decisions – often choices with major financial implications – while...
Business Blog

Complaint alleges HomeAdvisor misled businesses about leads

Homeowners are looking for skilled home repair professionals. Service providers – plumbers, remodelers, landscapers, etc. – are looking for customers. That match used to happen through word of mouth...
Business Blog

Thinking about ignoring a CID? Think again.

Protecting consumers from illegal robocalls is a battle the FTC is waging on all fronts. Two recent actions to enforce Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) issued to VoIP service providers demonstrate...
Business Blog

Gold mine for scammers: Social media

Social media is a gold mine for scammers , and in the latest FTC Data Spotlight , we’re digging deeper into this deceptive trend happening across social media platforms. Why do we repeatedly ask...
Business Blog

I’ll pay you to give this blog post five stars

Online customer reviews of products and services have become increasingly important in the marketplace. Many consumers rely on them to decide what to buy or where to buy it, and many companies rely on...