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COPPA comment deadline extended to December 11th

The FTC has extended the deadline for filing comments as part of its review of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Rule. You now have until 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday...
Business Blog

Commission issues opinion in Cambridge Analytica case

There are foundational consumer protection principles that bear repeating whenever the opportunity arises. The FTC’s just-announced decision in the Cambridge Analytica case offers just such an...
Business Blog

Veterans: Make cybersecurity your business

As Veterans Day reminds us, no one knows better than members of the military why it’s critical to maintain a vigilant defense. The more than 2.5 million veterans who own small businesses can apply...
Business Blog

You Don’t Say: FTC workshop listens in on voice cloning

Imagine people who have lost the ability to speak communicating in a digital version of their own voice. With just a brief recorded snippet, researchers can use artificial intelligence and text-to...
Business Blog

Taking notice: Class action workshop starts soon

They’re called “notices,” but do consumers really notice them? Convening at 9:00 Eastern Time this morning, October 29th, Consumers and Class Action Notices: An FTC Workshop will take a closer look at...
Business Blog

FTC takes action against stalking apps

You know that eerie feeling that someone is following your every move? If someone secretly installed a “stalking app” or “stalkerware” sold by Retina-X Studios, LLC, onto your mobile device, that...
Business Blog

Showcase your research at PrivacyCon 2020

How would we describe PrivacyCon 2020 ? Is it Burning Man without the flames? The New Orleans Jazz Festival – minus the jazz and the festival? The best way to know what PrivacyCon is all about is to...
Business Blog

SMB Cybersecurity Survey: It’s yours for the taking

Wondering what small and midsize businesses (SMBs) think about cybersecurity? Or maybe you work for a small or midsize business that would like to tell someone what you think. Here’s your chance. The...
Business Blog

Watch the COPPA workshop via webcast

What’s the future of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule? That’s the subject of today’s FTC workshop. If you’re COPPA-conscious, watch the webcast . The link will go live moments before...
Business Blog

Future of the COPPA Rule: What’s on the agenda

Technology changes at the speed of light, but the touchstone of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule remains constant. When it comes to the collection of their kids’ personal information...