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To paraphrase that famous question of acoustics and philosophy, if research falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it still make a sound? The FTC needs to hear from you by Friday, July 29, 2022, if you have research about consumer privacy or data security that you would like considered for the agency’s seventh annual PrivacyCon.

Bringing together academics, industry representatives, consumer advocates, and government regulators, PrivacyCon will convene virtually on November 1, 2022, to provide a forum for learning more about the latest research. As the Call for Presentations explains, we’re particularly interested in work on automated decision-making systems and commercial surveillance. But there may be room on the agenda for other privacy- and security-related topics, including research in the form of rigorous economic analyses, social science studies, or law and policy articles with an empirical or applied focus.

Follow the filing instructions in the Call for Presentations and make sure we hear from you by the July 29th deadline. We’ll notify people later in the year if their submissions have been selected. If you have a relevant work-in-progress that may not be ready for PrivacyCon 2022, you can send us your research anytime at

PrivacyCon 2022





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