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Business Blog

Ransomware risk: 2 preventive steps for your small business

If recent headlines about ransomware attacks on companies have you worried, your concerns are well-founded. Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure...
Business Blog

Get ready for PrivacyCon on July 27th

Set a reminder now for Tuesday, July 27, 2021, to make sure you’re up on the latest research about privacy and data security. That’s the date of the FTC’s sixth annual PrivacyCon and you’re invited to...
Business Blog

Back to business #1: Where’s your data?

As many companies shift to an in-person workplace, you and your employees face the opportunities and challenges of the new new normal. Today is the first in a five-part Back to Business blog series to...
Business Blog

Helping you answer consumers’ privacy questions

Even for people who work on the most arcane frontiers of technology, there is a line of questioning that leaves them scratching their heads wondering where to begin. It’s when a colleague, friend, or...
Business Blog

Updating you on FTC privacy and data security initiatives

When it comes to consumer privacy and data security, your clients and colleagues want the word on what’s been happening at the FTC – and they want it in an accessible, to-the-point format. The agency...
Business Blog

An open statement about BCP closing letters

The FTC takes a practical approach to its mission of protecting America’s consumers. That typically means law enforcement actions to challenge companies’ unfair or deceptive acts or practices. But...
Business Blog

Lights up for the FTC’s Dark Patterns workshop

What’s that illumination you see just ahead? It’s the FTC’s virtual workshop Bringing Dark Patterns to Light , beginning this morning at 10:30 Eastern Time. You can watch the webcast from a link on...
Business Blog

Asking for your insights into digital dark patterns

Have you marked your calendar for April 29, 2021, to attend Bringing Dark Patterns to Light: An FTC Workshop ? The virtual event will examine digital “dark patterns,” potentially deceptive or unfair...