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Do you have employees or colleagues who went to DeVry? Or perhaps you attended. You might have already gotten money back from the FTC. That’s thanks to a 2016 FTC settlement with the school over allegations that it didn’t tell the truth about how likely it was that its grads could get jobs in their field, or how much they’d earn compared to grads from other colleges. But now, you might be eligible to get your DeVry federal student loan debt discharged, thanks to recent actions taken by the Department of Education.

2017 and 2019, the FTC sent nearly $50 million in refunds to about 173,000 students that DeVry deceived — and, thanks to the case, DeVry also forgave $50.6 million that students owed to DeVry. But that’s not the end of the story. Just last week, the Department of Education announced that it has discharged the federal student loan debt of about 1,800 former DeVry students who were deceived by DeVry’s job claims. But those are just the people who’ve already submitted a claim to the Department of Education (ED) so far, through an application process called “borrower defense to repayment.” If you already submitted a claim to get your DeVry federal loans discharged, check your status under “Manage My Applications” on ED’s borrower defense page.

That’s still not the end of the story. If you’re a DeVry student who believed the school’s job claims, and your decision to go to DeVry was influenced by them, you can still apply to have your federal loans forgiven. You’ll need your FSA ID to get started at ED’s borrower defense page. Fill out the form, tell your story, and explain how those job placement claims affected your decision. Then submit.

But wait, there’s still more to the story! If you already got a refund from the FTC’s DeVry settlement fund, you can still apply for federal loan discharge from ED. In fact, be sure to mention it when you fill out your claim form.

Learn more about the FTC’s refunds under the DeVry settlement, and check out your options for filing a borrower defense claim. Then share this information with other people in your network who went to DeVry.

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