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Business Blog

FCRA's Furnisher Rule: It's all about accuracy and integrity

Colleen Tressler
If you report information about consumers to consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) — like a credit bureau, tenant screening company, or check verification service — you have legal obligations under the
Business Blog

Last resort

Lesley Fair
Three FTC cases, 83 civil actions brought by 28 states, more than 184 defendants facing criminal charges in cases filed by federal and local prosecutors, and 25 actions brought by agencies in 10 other
Business Blog

Calling all cards

Lesley Fair
We’ve been saying it for years: “What the headline giveth, the footnote cannot taketh away.” The same holds true for the dense block of text, the hidden-away reverse side, the vague hyperlink, or any
Business Blog

Mo' bill messaging

Lesley Fair
We can’t figure out why Hollywood hasn’t returned our call, but here's a great idea for an action movie. FTC attorneys go to court to stop a company from illegally billing people for text message
Business Blog

Faux claims for faux fur

Lesley Fair
In some ways, think of it as “faux faux fur.” No, that’s not a typo. It’s what results when national retailers advertise items of apparel as fake fur, when in fact, they contain, well, fur. Those are
Business Blog

Screen regs and spam?

Lesley Fair
Do you like them on the screen Of your mobile phone machine? I do not like text message spam. I do not like them, Sam I am. Fighting back against text message spam isn’t child’s play, and consumers
Business Blog

Building your VOCabulary

Lesley Fair
The FTC just accepted final settlements with two of the largest paint manufacturers in the country — Sherwin-Williams and PPG Architectural Finishes. The complaints charged that the companies made
Business Blog

Bank data security (but not that kind of bank)

Lesley Fair
You spend a good portion of your time trying to protect sensitive information on your network from high-tech hijackers. That’s important, of course. But don’t let it take your eye off the risks posed
Business Blog

Bamboo snafu

Lesley Fair
Bamboo: It’s not just for tiki huts anymore. Consumers are seeing more items, especially clothing and textiles, labeled or advertised as “bamboo.” But according to FTC lawsuits ,, Leon Max
Business Blog

FTC's settlement with Google: In brief

Lesley Fair
Not too long ago, talking on the phone, listening to music, and playing games required three clunky pieces of equipment. Manage that wirelessly? Fuhgeddaboutit. But now we can do all that — and more —
Business Blog

Sporting goods companies: Guard against deception

Lesley Fair
Some sports fans spend Saturdays on the field. For the rest of us, raising a Big Foam Finger is exertion enough. But we’ve all read stories about the dangers that head injuries pose to participants in
Business Blog

Down in the dumps(ter)

Lesley Fair
Every business generates paper destined for the circular file. But if documents contain sensitive information, don’t toss them out in a way that could invite unauthorized access. According to the FTC
Business Blog

Cracking down on contrepreneurs

Lesley Fair
Call them con trepreneurs — marketers who use hyped-up promises to sell business opportunities to people eager to be their own boss. As part of a federal-state blitz on bogus bizopps, the FTC