The word “recyclable” shows up in a lot of environmental claims for consumer products, but what do people understand the term to mean? Does that perception reflect the current state of recycling practices? And have there been changes in perception or practices that might suggest updates to the FTC’s Green Guides? Those are some of the topics on the table at Talking Trash at the FTC: Recyclable Claims and the Green Guides, a half-day workshop scheduled for May 23, 2023.
The FTC announced the workshop as part of the ongoing review of its Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims. Panelists will discuss the kinds of “recyclable” claims consumers are seeing in the marketplace, including new representations that may have emerged since the FTC’s last review of the Green Guides in 2012; what research shows about how people perceive those claims; and the current state of recycling practices.
The workshop is set for Tuesday, May 23rd, from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the FTC’s Constitution Center conference room in Washington, DC. You can attend in person or follow the webcast online. Watch this space for more information about the agenda.
You’re also invited to file public comments on the subject of “recyclable” by June 13, 2023. The Federal Register Notice includes details about how to file online.
Looking for more about environmental marketing? Check out the FTC’s resources for businesses.
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