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Data Spotlight

Who’s who in scams: a spring roundup

Emma Fletcher
Scammers are all about spinning lies, but they still operate in the real world. Many scammers pretend to be well-known businesses to gain trust and make their stories seem more believable. [1] , [2]
Competition Matters

Slow the Roll-up: Help Shine a Light on Serial Acquisitions

Henry Liu, Director of the Bureau of Competition
Most of the talk about dealmaking and antitrust enforcement focuses on large deals involving large companies. That’s because every year, the antitrust agencies get notice of larger deals—those
Business Blog

Safeguards Rule notification requirement now in effect

Lesley Fair
If your business is covered by the FTC’s Gramm-Leach Bliley Safeguards Rule, an amendment to the Rule that requires covered companies to report certain data breaches and other security events to the
Technology Blog

Cars & Consumer Data: On Unlawful Collection & Use

Staff in the Office of Technology and The Division of Privacy and Identity Protection
Some say the car a person drives can say a lot about them. As cars get “connected,” this turns out to be truer than many people might have realized. While connectivity can let drivers do things like
Technology Blog

Data and Models: A Quote Book from the Tech Summit on AI

Staff in the Office of Technology
The FTC’s Tech Summit on AI [1] convened three panels that each highlighted different layers of the AI tech stack: hardware and infrastructure, data and models, and front-end user applications. This
Technology Blog

Security Principles: Addressing Vulnerabilities Systematically

The Office of Technology
For more than two decades, the FTC has been bringing enforcement actions for violations of national consumer protection laws due to companies’ poor security practices. These poor practices have
Business Blog

Consumer health information: Handle with (extreme) care

Lesley Fair
What will it take to get businesses to honor the promises they make about the privacy of consumers’ health data? Multiple FTC law enforcement actions in the past year? Two more cases against companies
Business Blog

Business Blog’s Clear Eye on AI

Samuel Levine
We like to think the FTC Business Blog offers an occasional notable quote – or quotable note – on the issues businesses and consumers are talking about. Right now no topic is more top-of-mind than
Technology Blog

Approaches to Address AI-enabled Voice Cloning

FTC’s Office of Technology
Today, the FTC announced four winners of the Voice Cloning Challenge, which was launched to address the present and emerging harms of artificial intelligence, or “AI”-enabled voice cloning